Carter County Carter Charter

Carter County Carter Charter

Coordinator Tricia Lovec 406-775-8751

Dispatcher cell 406-775-7086

The dispatcher will call the driver, then the driver will call you with the pick up time.

As soon as you know you need a ride, call the dispatcher.  Do not wait until the day before you need the ride!

If you want to go somewhere and it is not for a medical appointment, we need to have at least 4 passengers. Call around, leave word with the dispatcher, and get together.  It will be cheaper for everyone.

Senior citizens and disabled persons with medical appointments are our top priority.

“No person shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal assistance based on race, color, or national origin.”

Suggested donations for Medical Trips:

  • Baker $10
  • Billings 30
  • Bowman 12
  • Dickinson 20
  • Ekalaka $5
  • Glendive $18
  • Miles City $18
  • Rapid City $25
  • Spearfish $18
  • Sturgis $20

When arrangements are made with the dispatcher, and if a driver is available we will give rides to and from Billings and Rapid City’s airports.  We need $100 for a trip.

Providing safe transportation for the elderly, disabled, minority, and the general public